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Laughter and Love at Suds Monkey with Jimmy Kuratz

Laughter and Love at Suds Monkey with Jimmy Kuratz

Celebrate Valentine's Day with Laughter and Love at Suds Monkey!

Make this Valentine's Day filled with delicious foods, brews, and laughs with comedy of Jimmy Kuratz.
Whether you’re celebrating with your special someone, a group of friends, or going it solo this event promises an unforgettable evening.

► ABOUT 𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐌𝐘 𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐙 is an Australian-American redneck STAND-UP comedian who generally does a 90-minute, one-man show.
His comedy is REFRESHING UNCIVILIZED and politically INcorrect.
WARNING: If you are EXTREMELY Left-leaning or an extremely devout religious person, then you should NOT buy tickets to see this show!!!
However, regardless of your own political-leaning, FUNNY is FUNNY.


Blurb About Jimmy:

 JIMMY KURATZ is an Australian-American redneck STAND-UP comedian who generally does a 90-minute, one-man show.
His comedy is REFRESHING UNCIVILIZED and politically INcorrect.
WARNING: If you are EXTREMELY Left-leaning or an extremely devout religious person, then you should NOT buy tickets to see this show!!!
However, regardless of your own political-leaning, FUNNY is FUNNY.
            This dude is an ABSOLUTE CRACK-UP!
Don't take our word for it. WATCH THE VIDEOS below or look him up on any major social media site: Instagram, Facebook, TikTok
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